Vectron - Adding Products to the Fast Bar
This will be a quick walk-through to help you add new products on to the Fast Bar. It is possible to add other functions to the Fast Bar however we would recommend contacting us to do this for you as it may not be set up to handle other functions.
Before beginning you will need to have already created the product in the PLU file and take a note of what number it is in the PLU file.
Log onto the till with a user that has permissions.
Go to Manager, Program Functions.
From here there will be a list of different Functions, select the one labelled Fast Bar.
Here you would see a list of entries sorted into Columns, column 1 being the left-most column through to column 6 being the right-most column.
The two areas of interest are Function and Code.
- Function should be set to 79 for PLU. If it is set to another number it would be using a different function and will do something completely different.
- Code will equal the number of the PLU you wish to display. Selecting the box will also allow you to search for a PLU manually.
Once you are happy with the changes, select Send Data at the top of the keyboard to send the data to the other tills in the network. Press the tick at the top right to confirm and then the 'X' to exit out of programming. The till will likely reinitialise and return to the Log In screen.
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