Number | Reference number |
Name | Name of the Modifier |
Short Name | Can be used to display when the modifier is being used |
Function | Sets how the modifier will effect PLUs or other areas. |
Scope | Sets what PLUs the modifier will effect when selected |
Only in allowed time | Allows you to restrict the usage of a modifier to a specific time period. Different to time controlled scope as it still required the operator to activate the modifier |
Status position | Lets you set which status area you want the modifier to display on. These can be added in the layout assistant |
Discount/ex.charge | If greyed out then it is not required |
Round single price | Unused |
Half pint factor | Unused |
Change from/to | Used for any kind of shift modifier e.g function 3. price shift; |
PLU no. position/value | Unused |
VPOS App Pos | Changes where the modifier appears in the Mobile App |
Orders | Unused |
No print | Unused |
Time range | Used to set which days and what times you want the modifier to be active. Used for both areas of time management. |
Reports/Journals | Handles how the modifier is reported for Chain reports |
Not combined with | Used to stop the use of two modifiers at once |
Suspend others | Unused |