Vectron - Program Modifiers

Vectron - Program Modifiers


Reference number


Name of the Modifier

Short Name

Can be used to display when the modifier is being used


Sets how the modifier will effect PLUs or other areas.
3. Price shift - changes the Price level of the PLU
7. VIP sale - changes the price to 0. Used for comping items
19 Discount/ex.charge2 - can be set to reduce or increase the price by a percentage or by a flat value.


Sets what PLUs the modifier will effect when selected
1. Next PLU - Only effects following PLU
5. All - Affects all items on the open order. Doesn't effect items saved to the table
8. Time Controlled - Allows a time period to be configured where the modifier will be constantly active
10. Retroactive all - Affects table as a whole, cannot be used on a table with an open order
11. Retroactive select - Allows the operator to select a PLU to modify. Won't work on a table with an open order

Only in allowed time

Allows you to restrict the usage of a modifier to a specific time period. Different to time controlled scope as it still required the operator to activate the modifier

Status position

Lets you set which status area you want the modifier to display on. These can be added in the layout assistant


If greyed out then it is not required
Percent/amount - How much the modifier will affect the PLU
Minimum/Maximum - Provide a range for modifiers with no set value
Discount? - Change the effect of the modifier to an extra charge/discount

Round single price


Half pint factor


Change from/to

Used for any kind of shift modifier e.g function 3. price shift;
Change from - set to 0 will change the price from any level, set to another number will require the price to already be at that level to be shifted
Change to - set to the level you want the price adjusted to

PLU no. position/value


VPOS App Pos

Changes where the modifier appears in the Mobile App



No print


Time range

Used to set which days and what times you want the modifier to be active. Used for both areas of time management.


Handles how the modifier is reported for Chain reports
PLU report values - 1 is default, set to another number to separate the modifiers booking and output another value
Org. PLU rep. values - books the PLU as standard
Dep. report values - same as PLU
Org. dep. rep. values - same as PLU
If one is set to report, set the other to 0 as they can double report this way. E.g PLU report = 1, Org. PLU rep. values MUST be set to 0 or vice versa
Standard - Sets whether the modifier reports anything, 1- reports as normal, 0 - doesn't report

Not combined with

Used to stop the use of two modifiers at once

Suspend others


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